The noun.hypernym() command return abstractions of the given word: print en.

The noun.hyponym() command return examples of the given word: print en. The noun.lexname() command returns a categorization for the given word: print en. > a figure that branches from a single root "genealogical tree" > bound together ) "I am reading a good book on economics"Ī word can have multiple senses, for example "tree" can mean a tree in a forest but also a tree diagram, or a person named Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree: print en. > a written work or composition that has been published (printed on pages The noun.gloss() command returns the dictionary description of a word: print en. WordNet describes semantic relations between synonym sets. WordNet glossary, synonyms, antonyms, components You can also use verb.is_emotion(), adjective.is_emotion() and adverb.is_emotion(). is_emotion ( "anxious", boolean= False )Īn additional optional parameter shallow= True speeds up the lookup process but doesn't check as many synonyms. Or you can return a string which provides some information with the boolean= False parameter. The noun.is_emotion() guesses whether the given noun expresses an emotion by checking if there are synonyms of the word that are basic emotions. The noun.singular() command singularizes the given plural: print en. classical pluralization of octopus yields octopodes instead of octopuses). plural ( "part-of-speech" )Īn optional classical parameter is True by default and determines if either classical or modern inflection is used (e.g. The ural() command pluralizes the given noun: print en. Pluralization and singularization of nouns The noun.article() returns the noun with its indefinite article: print en. > an en adjective, a None type and a nodebox graphics cocoa Context class > an en number, an en noun, an en list, an en content, an en adverb, > a pair of lists, a pair of dictionaries, an en verb, an en sentence, > a number of modules, a number of functions, a number of strings, conjunction ( ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ), generalize= True ) print en. You can also quantify the types of things in the given list, class or module: print en. > several chickens, a pair of geese and a duck Notice how goose is correctly pluralized and duck has the right article. The njunction() command quantifies a list of words. The number.quantify() command quantifies the given word: print en. The number.spoken() command writes out the given number: print en. The number.ordinal() command returns the ordinal of the given number, 100 yields 100th, 3 yields 3rd and twenty-one yields twenty-first: print en. and words like I, the, own, him which have little semantical value): print en.

The is_connective() command returns True if the word is a connective (nevertheless, whatever, secondly. The is_persuasive() command returns True if the given word is a "magic" word (you, money, save, new, results, health, easy. The is_basic_emotion() command returns True if the given word expresses a basic emotion (anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise): print en. The is_html_tag() command returns True when the string is a HTML tag.Ĭategorise words as emotional, persuasive or connective The is_tag() command returns True when the given string is a tag, for example HTML or XML. You can also check for is_verb(), is_adjective() and is_adverb(): print en. The is_noun() command returns True when the given string is a noun. The is_number() command returns True when the given value is a number: print en. import enĬategorise words as nouns, verbs, numbers and more It takes some time to load all the data the first time. You can also put it in ~/Library/Application Support/NodeBox/. Put the en library folder in the same folder as your script so NodeBox can find the library.