
Nodebox convert verb to noun
Nodebox convert verb to noun

nodebox convert verb to noun

The noun.hypernym() command return abstractions of the given word: print en.

nodebox convert verb to noun

The noun.hyponym() command return examples of the given word: print en. The noun.lexname() command returns a categorization for the given word: print en. > a figure that branches from a single root "genealogical tree" > bound together ) "I am reading a good book on economics"Ī word can have multiple senses, for example "tree" can mean a tree in a forest but also a tree diagram, or a person named Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree: print en. > a written work or composition that has been published (printed on pages The noun.gloss() command returns the dictionary description of a word: print en. WordNet describes semantic relations between synonym sets. WordNet glossary, synonyms, antonyms, components You can also use verb.is_emotion(), adjective.is_emotion() and adverb.is_emotion(). is_emotion ( "anxious", boolean= False )Īn additional optional parameter shallow= True speeds up the lookup process but doesn't check as many synonyms. Or you can return a string which provides some information with the boolean= False parameter. The noun.is_emotion() guesses whether the given noun expresses an emotion by checking if there are synonyms of the word that are basic emotions. The noun.singular() command singularizes the given plural: print en. classical pluralization of octopus yields octopodes instead of octopuses). plural ( "part-of-speech" )Īn optional classical parameter is True by default and determines if either classical or modern inflection is used (e.g. The ural() command pluralizes the given noun: print en. Pluralization and singularization of nouns The noun.article() returns the noun with its indefinite article: print en. > an en adjective, a None type and a nodebox graphics cocoa Context class > an en number, an en noun, an en list, an en content, an en adverb, > a pair of lists, a pair of dictionaries, an en verb, an en sentence, > a number of modules, a number of functions, a number of strings, conjunction ( ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ), generalize= True ) print en. You can also quantify the types of things in the given list, class or module: print en. > several chickens, a pair of geese and a duck Notice how goose is correctly pluralized and duck has the right article. The njunction() command quantifies a list of words. The number.quantify() command quantifies the given word: print en. The number.spoken() command writes out the given number: print en. The number.ordinal() command returns the ordinal of the given number, 100 yields 100th, 3 yields 3rd and twenty-one yields twenty-first: print en. and words like I, the, own, him which have little semantical value): print en.

nodebox convert verb to noun

The is_connective() command returns True if the word is a connective (nevertheless, whatever, secondly. The is_persuasive() command returns True if the given word is a "magic" word (you, money, save, new, results, health, easy. The is_basic_emotion() command returns True if the given word expresses a basic emotion (anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise): print en. The is_html_tag() command returns True when the string is a HTML tag.Ĭategorise words as emotional, persuasive or connective The is_tag() command returns True when the given string is a tag, for example HTML or XML. You can also check for is_verb(), is_adjective() and is_adverb(): print en. The is_noun() command returns True when the given string is a noun. The is_number() command returns True when the given value is a number: print en. import enĬategorise words as nouns, verbs, numbers and more It takes some time to load all the data the first time. You can also put it in ~/Library/Application Support/NodeBox/. Put the en library folder in the same folder as your script so NodeBox can find the library.

  • Regressive Imagery Dictionary, content analysis.
  • Shallow parsing, the grammatical structure of a sentence.
  • WordNet glossary, synonyms, antonyms, components.
  • Quantification of numbers and lists (e.g.
  • Categorise words as emotional, persuasive or connective.
  • Categorise words as nouns, verbs, numbers and more.
  • Ogden's list of basic English words, and Peter Norvig's spelling corrector. The library bundles WordNet (using Oliver Steele's PyWordNet), NLTK, Damian Conway's pluralisation rules, Bermi Ferrer's singularization rules, Jason Wiener's Brill tagger, several algorithms adopted from Michael Granger's Ruby Linguistics module, John Wiseman's implementation of the Regressive Imagery Dictionary, Charles K. You can use the library to conjugate verbs, pluralize nouns, write out numbers, find dictionary descriptions and synonyms for words, summarise texts and parse grammatical structure from sentences. With the Nodebox English Linguistics library you can do grammar inflection and semantic operations on English content.

    Nodebox convert verb to noun